I thought I would kick off my first blog for the year with a recap and review of the year that was. From a commercial photography side I continued my relationships with some of my long standing direct clients and agency’s including working on projects for Coca-Cola, Lion, Gelatisimo, Schneider Electric and Hort Innovations to name a few. Projects I worked on still favour commercial and adverting’s purposes bit I did work on a few packaging projects and a very exciting cookbook due out later this year!
The big event of 2019 was the launch of my new (well overdue) website which was received very well, from a personal point of view it was great to be able to showcase some of my relevant work and was a great chance to review how far my work had come since my last showcase. I am also currently underway shortlisting projects from late in the year to add soon so keep any eye out hopefully in the next few months!
The website launch came with a large push in new business and it was exciting working on new brands and clients in the technology, renewable and packaging sectors.
From a personal side I started an art project mid 2019 which I will continue through 2020. The aim is to have a large body of work that I can exhibit or push as art later this year. It truly has been the most personal work I have created to date and I cant wait to be able to share it!
2020 has started off with great energy having worked on 3 drink advertising shoots in the first week back followed by a few new business inquires including a very exciting motion project so hopefully this means a successful year for the industry ahead.
To a successful 2020
Some of my work from 2019